Sublime Stone

by Carolina Shrewsbury

I beckon within my scattered rocks
Gaping chasm, my blackness shocks
When hurling stones their ways unchecked,
Split cracking, distant echoes reflect.

Deeply breathes my crooked bowels,
Swiftly, waters all devours,
My darkness wraps my world around
To mud long lost far underground.

A thousand stars could not light my halls
Infinite beauty within timeless pause,
Whose ears could hear my soft sounds?
As, drip, drop, the music of my rounds.

Water writhing, falling fast
Gathering in crashing gusts that blast
Away amongst black swirling shrouds
Thick with moisture laden clouds.

What rises, clings with desperate force
Against gritty alcoves to create a source
For silent whiteness, that shows not
My clutching jewel is time forgot.

Through crack and crevice slips my essence,
In dark empty space I feel my presence,
Aven high and chamber wide
My issue mounts in strange preside.

Stillness roams my smaller spaces,
Creeping draught slowly paces
Down. Down.
Over smooth crystal places.
Oh come! Bright lights and faces!

Copyright © Carolina Shrewsbury, 1996

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