Past Events

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NSS Fine Arts Salon 2008 - Lake City, FL

The Fine Arts Salon is the official art exhibition held annually at the NSS Convention to provide a competing, social and fund raising venue for all speleoartists.
Presenting art within speleology began with SpeleoArt. SpeleoArt was founded by Carolina Shrewsbury in the early 1990s with the help of Dave Gibson of the BCRA in GB as a SiG (special interests group) in response to a number of artists world wide who wanted recognition for caves in art. SpeleoArt came over to the USA by invitation in 1998, to set up a fine arts exhibiting venue for the NSS.
This is the ninth official Fine Arts Salon Exhibition.
There were a total of 29 entrants and 53 Salon entries this year for six categories:
Salon 08

Paint/Pastel. (All work in paint or pastel medium)
Sketch (All work produced in pencil and ink mediums)
Three dimensional free standing. (All work as standing sculpture or worn)
(All work in digitalized photographic and reproduction programs)
Textile (All work in the textile medium)
Multimedia. (All work produced by a mixture of mediums)

The textile category is definitely one to mention this year as Caver Bob by Alice Woznack raised $2000 for the NSS Auction.
Thank you to the artists who entered this year, all produced excellent work that typifies the standard of work expected in an exhibition of really Fine Art.


Bat by Myrna Attaway
Western Entrance by Jacquie Thomas
The Ridgewalker by Donna Renee
Cave Gear by Tom Cottrell
The Ridgewalker by Donna Renee
Cave Gear by Tom Cottrell
Horse 1 by Marianne Gamble
Safe Haven by Michael Kehs
Rainbow Helictites by Peter and Ann Bosted
Cloud Chamber Duets by Peter and Ann Bosted
Bat Flight Bargello by Emily Davis
CrossForm by Myrna Attaway
Caver Bob by Alice Woznack
Bat Circles by Rose Esposito
Florida Cave by Carolina Shrewsbury
Caver Popular Vote /SpeleoArt Award
Caver Bob by Alice Woznack
Bat Bowl by Michael Kehs
Woznack Kehs

This year we have two very special winners from the JSS workshop held on Wednesday afternoon.  Daniel Raines and Andy Cobb

Next year we have the SpeleoArt International Exhibition and Fine Arts Salon being held in a fabulous venue at the Schreiner University in Kerrville Texas. The finest of work is invited to enter for exhibition and that includes any artworks collected over the past 10 years from our shows. The exhibition is not just limited to artists. I want to see fabulous work…the best. So dig out your collection and fill out the forms on the ICS website and on the SpeleoArt site.

Special Thanks to our Judges this year 2008:
Diane Cousineau
Jay Landt
Kim Fleischmann.

Thank you all the people who helped set up this years Salon…
Jim Wilbanks (Stand builder)
Jay Landt
Speleobooks (sponsor)
Lois Manno
Marian McConnell
Michael Angelo Gagliardi
Alice Woznack
Alice Rolfes Curl

Thank you to all who bought work. Buying artwork through the Salon or through the NSS Auction raises money to support the Fine Arts Salon so we can continue to provide the speleological fraternities across the country with access to competition, exhibition and workshops at the annual NSS Convention.
Please view our supporting website for more information:
Carolina Shrewsbury
Coordinator/Chairman 2008
Coordinator/Chairman 2009 International Congress Speleology



NSS Fine Arts Salon 2007 - Marengo, IN

This was the eighth official Fine Arts Salon Exhibition.
There were a total of 22 entrants and 87 exhibits of which were 58 Salon entries this year for six categories:

Paint/Pastel. (All work in paint or pastel medium)
Sketch (All work produced in pencil and ink mediums)
Three dimensional free standing. (All work as standing sculpture or worn)
(All work in digitalized photographic and reproduction programs)
Textile (All work in the textile medium)
Multimedia. (All work produced by a mixture of mediums)

Salon 07

The digital and multimedia categories were particularly well presented this year, and shows the many talented cave photographers and computer buffs what one can achieve with a little imagination and creativity. I hope this encourages more entries of this caliber in the future.
Thank you to the artists who entered this year, all produced excellent work that typifies the standard of work expected in an exhibition of really Fine Art.


Ken Storey for Discovery of the Lamp Room
Caver Popular Vote /SpeleoArt Award
Sentinel by Teresa Marsan
Ken Storey
Teddy Marsan
Lois Manno for Encounter
Kara Pavarski for What Light Remains
Ken Storey for Genuine Carbide
Daniel Chailloux, A&P Bosted for Cave Lace
Carolina Shrewsbury for Portal in Reverse
Carolina Shrewsbury for Marianne
Tom Cottrell for Candle lit Collection
Donna Renee for The Waterslide
Jacquie Thomas for Devil’s Sinkhole
Teresa Marsan for Sentinel
Wayne Russell for Off Rope
Michael Kehs for Cave Mirror

Special Thanks to our Judges this year 2007:
Lynn Bower (Studio Indiana)
Sharon Richie (Southern Indiana Fiber Arts)
Bruce Smith (Director of On Rope 1).

Thank all the people who helped set up this years Salon. Without the valuable help of all these people the Salon would not have been the successful show we had this year.
William Shrewsbury (FAS Treasurer)
Stephanie Searles (Manager, NSS Office)
Bill Greenwald (FAS Liaison/workshops)
Keith Dunlap (facilities chair)
Dave Lester (Salons Chair)
Speleobooks (sponsor)
Gordon Smith and Marengo Cave
Kriste Lindberg
Mindy Grayson                             (Artists)
Lois Manno
Michael Angelo Gagliardi
Alice Woznack

Thank you to all who bought work. Buying artwork through the Salon or through the NSS Auction raises money to support the Fine Arts Salon so we can continue to provide the speleological fraternities across the country with access to competition, exhibition and workshops at the annual NSS Convention.
Please view our supporting website for more information:
Carolina Shrewsbury
Coordinator/Chairman 2007
Coordinator/Chairman 2008
Coordinator/Chairman 2009 International Congress Speleology



NSS Fine Arts Salon 2006 - Bellingham WA

The Fine Arts Salon is the official art exhibition held annually at the NSS Convention to provide a competing, social and fund raising venue for all speleoartists. This is the only annual, national  art exhibition for speleologists at this time. Those of us, who participate, are very proud to be part of something so unique.

The beginning of presenting art within speleology, began with SpeleoArt. SpeleoArt was founded by Carolina Shrewsbury in the early 1990s with the help of Dave Gibson of the BCRA in GB as a SiG (special interests group) in response to a number of artists world wide who wanted recognition for caves in art. SpeleoArt came over to the USA by invitation in 1998, to set up a fine arts exhibiting venue for the NSS.
This is the seventh official Fine Arts Salon Exhibition.

Bellingham offered us the use of the Western Gallery for our exhibition this year and provided the excellent example for all future Conventions to model the presentation of NSS Salons.

A view of our exhibit Carolina with Avis enjoying the opening

There were a total of 28 entrants and 94 exhibits of which were 65 Salon entries this year for seven categories:

Paint/Pastel. (All work in paint or pastel medium)
Sketch (All work produced in pencil and ink mediums)
Three dimensional free standing. (All work as standing sculpture or worn)
(All work in digitalized photographic and reproduction programs)
Textile  ( All work in the textile medium)
Cartoon (All work produced in cartoon style, jokes and caricatures)
Multimedia. (All work produced by a mixture of mediums)
Thank you to all of the artists who entered this year, you all produced excellent work that typifies the standard of work expected in an exhibition of really Fine Art.


Merit Award - Chuck Acklin for Billy Clay Pit Project
Honorable mention - Kara Pavarski for Ladder Entrance


Merit Award - Michael Kehs for Bat Ornament
Honorable mention - Rolfes-Curl Family for Caver’s Choice Ballot Box

Merit Award - Carolina Shrewsbury for Gypsum.
Honorable mention - Carolina Shrewsbury for Purple in Gourdneck


Merit Award - Kriste Lindberg for Two Salamanders
Honorable mention - Jerry Wallace for A visit from the Glimmerlings


Merit Award - Peter and Ann Bosted for Great Expectations
Honorable mention – Alice Woznack for The Comfort of Carbide


Merit Award - Kriste Lindberg for Two Salamanders Caving
Honorable mention- Lois Manno for Nightfall over Carlsbad

Popular Caver Vote and SpeleoArt Award

Rolfes-Curl Family for Caver’s Choice Ballot Box


Michael Kehs for Flight of the Pierced Bat

Thank you to all of the artists who entered this year, you all produced excellent work that typifies the standard of work expected in an exhibition of really Fine Art.


Changes for next year will be for any digitally produced artwork to be entered in the digital category only. Commercially reproduced artwork will in future be subject to exhibit only.

Special Thanks to our Judges this year 2006; Sarah Langagger (WWU Gallery Director), Chris Howes (International Cave photographer and Descent magazine publisher) and Diane Cousineau (Secretary for Southeastern Cave Conservency.

Also I would like to thank all the people who helped set up this years Salon. Without the valuable help of all these people the Salon would not have been the successful show we had this year.
William Shrewsbury- My patient husband.
Hester Mellonee- Sessions Chair and artist
Bill Greenwald- Speleoart Workshops
Allen Siddle- Local artist.
Dick and Rose Garnick- Facilities Chairman and his artist wife.
The Rolfes Curl Family. Artists extraordinaire.
Paul Brower of Western Gallery.
Sarah Clark Langager- Western Gallery Director for her interest and help.
Michael McCormack- NSS Convention 2006 Chairman.
Kate Nestor- Convention volunteer
Grace Borengasser-Convention volunteer
Kim Fleischman- Emblems Salon Chairman
…and all the other people who came to help and assist, I may not know your names but your help was sincerely appreciated.


Nine artists sold artwork this year:

Ann & Peter Bosted
Pam Duncan
Michael Kehs
Andy Komenski
Kriste Lindberg
Kara Pivarski
Sabrina Simon Simon
Carolina Shrewsbury
Jerry Wallace

Your sales keep the FAS alive and kicking! Thank you.


Six artists donated artwork:

Rosemary Ballister
Merrill Ann Gonzales
Linda Heslop
Peter Jones
Carolina Shrewsbury
Alice Woznack

Artist donations of artwork support the NSS, 20% of each sale supports the FAS! Thank you.

Thank you to all who bought work. Buying artwork through the Salon or through the NSS Auction raises money to support the Fine Arts Salon so we can continue to provide the speleological fraternities across the country with access to competition, exhibition and workshops at the annual NSS Convention.
Please view our supporting website for more information:

Carolina Shrewsbury

Coordinator 2005
Coordinator 2006
Chairman 2006



International Festival of Speleological Arts

Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain.

30 July to 14 August 2005.

Ian Ellis Chandler    

The festival, a somewhat grand name for a modest set of activities, ran over two weeks in the Fondacion Orense, the library building still under reconstruction (there are no books there yet). The art show was in the vestibule mounted on panels. These panels were not really suitable and the display hanging methodology was not up to our usual standards. In all 44 works were exhibited  from 13 artists.

How do you measure success? Well it created a lot of local interest and in all over 330 people visited the show. Only 4 pieces were sold, 3 vases made by a local potter and a landscape print by June MacLucas. Many people commented on the show saying they enjoyed it. It was open every weekday evening and at midday Saturdays and Sundays. The opening was hosted by the Mayor of Ramales, Jose Domingo San Emeterio Diego with over 40 people attending enjoying wine and cheese.

The audio visual evening showed 4 short films, each linked by a narrator (in Spanish) who told the abbreviated story by Cervantes in Don Quixote where the Don made a descent into the Cave of Montesinos. Two films were on caves in Andalucia and another from the Basque country telling the fictional tale of a legendary cave which only appears once every 1000 years to swallow male cavers whole!. This film was made by Santi Urrutia, a Basque caver who joins the Mateienzo expedition each year. The last film was Gavin Newman´s Beneath the Wall, images from cave explorations in China.

The last event was a talk by a local cave guide, Pencho, illustrated with many slides on the prehistoric cave art in Cantabria. Both shows attracted about 40 people each.

My thanks go to Loli, the deputy Mayor who solved all the problems and to the Ayuntiemento of Ramales who did the publicity, provided the accommodation and sponsored the art show; to the Mancomunidad de Municipios de Alto Ason who provided the audio visual equipment.

Artist exhibiting: Ian Ellis Chandler, UK; Michael Angelo Gagliardi, USA; Edu Gordo, Spain; Robin Gray, UK; Bud Hogbin, UK; Ceris Jones, UK; Stacey Koffman, USA; Peter Martin, UK;  Mayi, Spain; June MacLucas, Australia; Peter McNab, UK; Stephanie Meinke, Canada; Carolina Shrewsbury, USA.


NSS Fine Arts Salon 2005 - Huntsville, Alabama

Carolina Shrewsbury  (Coordinator 2005)

Marian McConnell (Chairman 2005)

This was the sixth Fine Arts Salon Exhibition.

 There were a total of 25 entrants and 60 entries this year for five categories:

 Paint - All work in paint medium including silk screen and hand printing.

Three Dimensional free standing - All work as standing sculpture or worn.

Multimedia - All work produced by a mixture of mediums.

Textile - All work in the textile medium.

Black &White - All work produced in black and white mediums.

There were no Digital entries (All work in digitalized photographic and paint programs)  in this years Salon This year the winners are:


 Merit Award - In Paradise, even the Stones Sing by Hester Mallonee. 

Honorable mention - End if Line, July Springs by Michael Angelo Gagliardi.


 Merit Award - Cave Ball by Michael Kehs.

Honorable mention - Full Moon Bat by Vittoria Curl.


 Merit Award - Kentucky Room by Alice Rolfes-Curl.

Honorable mention - To the Center of the Earth - by Carolina Shrewsbury.


 Merit Award - Bat Quilt by Felice Regan

Honorable mention – Topostream II by Carolina Shrewsbury.


 Merit Award - Cave Capers Salamander by Kristi Lindberg.

Honorable mention - Crack with Many Faces by Bill Greenwald.

 Popular Caver Vote and SpeleoArt Award

-         Cave of the Red Flame by Michael Kehs.


05warthmannCave Stein by Bruce Warthman.   

Thank you to all of the artists who entered this year, you all produced excellent work that typifies the standard of work expected in an exhibition of really Fine Art.

 Judges were:

  Peter Baldaia, Curator of Hintsville Museum of Arts.

  Jeanne Gurnee, Fellow Member of the NSS since 1951, serving the Society in many positions from chairman of the Awards and Internal Organizations committees to President.

Diane Cousineau, secretary for Southeastern Cave  Conservancy, Inc.

 Show was coordinated by Carolina & Wm Shrewsbury

Chairman: Marian McConnell.

 The FAS would like to thank all the people who helped set up this years Salon. Without the valuable help of all these people the Salon would not have been the successful show we had this year.

-           William Shrewsbury my husband and workmate.

-          Alice Rolfes-Curl and her excellent emails.

-          Marian McConnell our chairman

-          Judy the guardian angel

-          Sabrina Simon who always has batteries that work.

-          Bill Greenwald and his speleoart sessions.

-          Russ Kennedy with his camera.

-          Stephanie Searles (NSS Office)

-          Scott Fee and his reluctant muscles.

-          Bruce Wallace and his team.

 and all the other people who came up randomly to help move things in moments of desperation! I may not know your names but your help is sincerely appreciated.


 Kentucky Room - Alice Rolfs-Curl

Cave Pearls - Vittoria Curl

Cuevo Del Oro - Vittoria Curl

Folgers Best - Andy Komenski

Three Fingers Cave - Andy Komenski

Prints, Cathedral Caverns Sabrina Simon

Cave of the Red Flame - Michael Kehs

Cave Ball - Michael Kehs

Stalactites, Iron Curtain Cave - Hester Mallonee


 Entrance- Merrill Ann Gonzales

Fire and Ice - Merrill Ann Gonzales

Jewelled Passage - Carolina Shrewsbury

Stalactite - Carolina Shrewsbury

Crystal - Carolina Shrewsbury

Curtain - Carolina Shrewsbury

Gour Pools - Carolina Shrewsbury

Cave Quilt - Mike Moser

Cave Quilt - Felice Regan

 Thank you to all who bought work. Buying artwork through the Salon or through the NSS Auction raises money to support the Fine Arts Salon so we can continue to provide the speleological fraternities across the country with access to competition, exhibition and workshops at the annual NSS Convention.



NSS Fine Arts Salon 2004 - Marquette, Michigan

By Marian McConnell

The Fine Arts Salon in Marquette, Michigan, was a resounding success thanks to the terrific team we had in Yooper-land. Although Carolina Shrewsbury, the originator of the Salon at the Sewanee, TN Convention in 1998, was unable to come this year, she provided invaluable guidance and assistance.

Thanks to Alice Rolfes-Curl for being the Michigan Coordinator and my right (and left) hand. Thanks toBill Greenwald for being the handyman, for conducting the Art Workshop on Wednesday, and for hauling back some of the display boards. Thanks to Vittoria 'V' Curl for helping in the Salon, and demonstrating her expertise with mosaic and jewelry making. Thanks to Bambi Dunlap for helping in the Salon. Thanks to Dan McConnell for building the 12 display boards and donating his own personal time for this project (and gas money for the 3,000 mile trip!). Thanks to Russ Kennedy for taking digital photos of the winning works, and for being one of the three wonderful judges along with Elaine Hackerman and Professor Diane Kordich of Northern Michigan University. Thanks to Maureen Handler for hauling the rest of the display boards for next year. Thanks to Stephanie Searles in the NSS Bookstore for handling our finances. Thanks to Dave Socky for helping set up and take down the displays.

And of course, thanks to the 19 artists that submitted works: Rosemary Ballister, Carroll Bassett, V Curl, Pam Duncan, Bambi Dunlap, Cortney Frantz, Michael Gagliardi, Bill Greenwald, Christa Hay, Chrys Hulbert, Andy Komensky, Casey Martin, Marian McConnell, Kenny McGee, Glenn Mills, Kara Lynn Pivarski, Alice Rolfes-Curl, Karen Walden, and Jerry Wallace.



Green Ribbon - Grotta Azzurra by Alice Rolfes-Curl

Green Ribbon - Caver’s Quilt by Bambi Dunlap

Blue Ribbon - Bat Box by Pam Duncan

Caver’s Choice Award - Grotta Azzurra by Alice Rolfes-Curl           



Green Ribbon - Formation #5 by Jerry Wallace

Blue Ribbon - Helectite Cave Detail by Marian McConnell


Blue Ribbon - Fu by V Curl

Black & White

Green Ribbon - Lower Orange Grove by Michael Gagliardi

Blue Ribbon - Double Bubble by Kenny McGee


Green Ribbon - Passage to the Inner Sea by Jerry Wallace

Blue Ribbon - Stream Entrance by Jerry Wallace


Blue Ribbon - Meru by V Curl

BEST IN SHOW: Double Bubble by Kenny McGee

On Wednesday of Convention, Bill Greenwald conducted an 'Experiment in Speleoart' class with 14 students attending. At the end of the class, Bill lit a candle signifying the flame - the idea - that Carolina started at the Kentucky 2001 Convention of cave sketching. The concept that she had of providing cavers at convention with simple art tools in a kit as part of a fun class is a great idea and should eventually encourage the submission of more amateur art.

On Friday of Convention, a meeting was held for all interested in the Fine Arts Salon. Some great ideas were discussed for improving next year’s Salon. Interested artists should watch the NSS News and the Alabama Convention website for information about how to enter works for 2005.




By Marian McConnell


Thanks to the tireless energy, unwavering dedication to underground art, and creative talents of Carolina Shrewsbury, the NSS Fine Arts Salon was established in 1998 at the Sewanee, Tennessee Convention. Under her mentorship, the NSS FAS continued to flourish in Idaho, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Despite a life-threatening illness, Carolina kept the flame alive; and although unable to attend, provided invaluable advice and assistance to Bill Greenwald (thanks!) who organized the Amateur Art Workshop at the NSS 2002 Convention in Maine. I know I could not have chaired this Salon without Carolina’s indefatigable leadership, and literally her “blood, sweat, and tears.”


This year, Carolina spent countless hours in preparation; managing the entry forms, phoning artists, scanning artwork, and working through email to make sure that the FAS became a reality. I'd like to also thank Glen Mills and Martha Hendrix who were instrumental in getting the pieces hung this year. Lynn Fielding and Iris Heusler made sure the FAS was in a nice facility with everything that we needed.  Wm Shrewsbury was also invaluable as a member of the team. Thanks to everyone helped!


The following 14 artists exhibited:


Charlotte Richards

Wolf Anning

Vittoria Curl

Shea Moss

Peter Jones

Janet Vineyard

Ian Ellis Chandler

Hester Mallonee

Glenn Mills

Marian McConnell

Lois Lyles

Carolina Shrewsbury

Tamara Hughes

Stephanie Meinke


Judges this year were Eleanor Larson (who coordinated the judging), Marianne Russo,  and Kristen Ankiewitcz. The winners were:

Carolina Shrewsbury - Merit - Realistic Art - Trees

Charlotte Richards - Merit - Abstract Art - Window to Caving Splendor

Stephanie Meinke - Merit - Black & White - Ascent to the Light

Vittoria Curl - Merit - 3D  - Spelunca Argentae 1

Stephanie Meinke BEST IN SHOW – Will I Ever Become…



Report From The Second NSS FINE ARTS SALON 2001

National Speleological Society Convention,

Rockcastle, Kentucky, USA.

Publicity, getting your work known and being visible is very, very important. All artists, but one, who sold were there. The buyers and investors of art love to get to know their artist personally. Art is a personal business. Often a buyer will see you in the art they buy because it comes from your soul. If you can ever make convention please try to be there. I know there are some of you who will always find this impossible. If that is the case then you must send me a good portfolio of your work and a nice personal essay all about yourself. Frantizek has done this and so has Lucja, who both live in eastern Europe. This has helped me represent them in the best possible way. I have photos of them working, photos of them with their friends and family and a huge collection of their work over the years from in cave sketches to finished works including work outside their caving.

It is a thought, providing this information is confidential to SpeleoArt. It is shown at exhibition but is not published anywhere without specific permission from the artist.

This year the winners were:


   1st Place - Peter Jones - Ceramic Vase

   2nd Place - Peter Jones - Bowl #2

   3rd Place - Irish Spring Room [Egg] - Rebecca Holden


   1st Place - Lucja Radwan - Untitled #1

   2nd Place - Lucja Radwan - Untitled #3

   3rd Place - Marc Barker - Tiger Tank


   1st Place - John Agnew - Old River

   2nd Place - Bonnie Curnock - Simply Sarah

   3rd Place - John Agnew - The Window


   1st Place - John Agnew - Actun Xpukil

   2nd Place - Carolina Shrewsbury - Purple Gaze

   3rd Place - Frantisek Mihal - Transport


   Bonnie Curnock - Stephen Bishop


Judges were Jeanne Gurnee, Ralph Ewers, Jack Engle.

Emily Davis was Patron of the Year (gave $30).

Show was coordinated by Carolina & Wm Shrewsbury, Ken Storey, and Marian

McConnell. Bonnie Curnock designed the NSS FAS T-Shirts (won a Merit Award in

T-Shirt Salon). Ken Storey designed the NSS FAS logo and did the posters,

books, and name plates. Wm designed the computer templates and Excel

spreadsheets to manage our funds.




Actun Xpukil       John Agnew          $2,500 Realist

Sorta Sarah        Bonnie Cunnock      $175   B&W

Bowl#1             Peter Jones         $80    3D

Bowl#2                "                $80    3D

Vase                  "                $200   3D

Desert Bat Flight  Lois Lyles          $175   Realist

Lightbox #1        Marian McConnell    $135   3D

Lightbox #2           "                $135   3D

Transport          Frantizek Mihal     $100   Realist

Pools              Carolina Shrewsbury $250   Abstract

Orange Glow           "                $80    Realist



SpeleoArt at Elkins, West Virginia, USA

National Speleological Society Convention.


Speleoartists from around the world continued the momentum of artistic excellence at the 3rd U.S. SpeleoArt Exhibit at the Convention in Elkins, WV.  The Opening was held in the Elkins High School Library on Monday, June 26, 2000, complete with wine and cheese.  Twenty artists from all over the world displayed works, which were, for the first time, judged for awards. Exhibiting were:


Chuck Acklin

Rosemary Balister

Marc Barker

Carolina Brook

Ian Chandler

Bonnie Curnock

Joanna Florio-Jeffries

Linda Heslop

Becky Holden

Michael Kehs

Lois Lyles

Marian McConnell

Frantisek Mihal

Steve Powell

Lucja Radwan

Ken Storey

Dave & Valier Stratford

Jerry Wallace

Wanda Writeman

Bambi Dunlap (QUILT)


Judges were:  Emily Davis, Matthew LaRose (Fine Arts Instructor from Davis & Elkins College), and Peter Jones. Results were shared at Thursday night’s awards ceremony:       

     Best in ShowMyotis Cavernous by Michael Kehs

                Black & White

                                1st Place – Skylines by Linda Heslop

                                2nd Place – The Face by Linda Heslop

                                3rd Place – Seer by Marc Barker


                                1st Place – Inner Treasure Box by Lois Lyles

                                2nd Place – Cave Pearl Box by Lois Lyles

                                3rd Place – Hansen Miners Lamp by Michael Kehs


                                1st Place – New Discovery by Frantisek Mihal

                                2nd Place – At the Kettle by Frantisek Mihal

                                3rd Place – Texas Blind Salamander by Bonnie Curnock


                                1st Place – Serenity by Lucja Radwan

                                2nd Place – Column by Lucja Radwan


SpeleoArt t-shirts, designed by Ken Storey and featuring artwork by various artists, were available again this year, and won a Merit Award in the t-shirts Salon. 


Six-year old Ellen Thompson drawing.

The group also organized an underground art trip into Bowden’s cave on Tuesday.  Convention participants were invited to bring their art supplies and enjoy some subterranean sketching.


 Lois Lyles, US SpeleoArt Coordinator, Carolina Brook, International SpeleoArt Coordinator, and Marian McConnell, Logistics Coordinator coordinated this year’s Exhibit.  Next year the Exhibit will return as the NSS Fine Arts Salon




SpeleoArt at NSS 99

National Speleological Society Convention, Filer, Idaho, USA.

Carolina Shrewsbury writes...

 We have this year at the SpeleoArt exhibition at the NSS Convention in Filer, IDAHO, USA, a masterpiece being loaned to us, it is the 'Mona Lisa' of Speleological Art, naturally created by one of the most famous cavers in the US. It will displayed at our SpeleoArt Village and unveiled in a ceremony during our Opening by our distinguished 'guest of  the year'. All registrants to the convention are invited. The ceremony is at...

2pm on Monday 12th July 1999

Most of the works will be on sale and there will be a catalogue at Registration, in the Exhibition hall and on the Speleobooks Stand.   This year, the Exhibition will be hosted in the Filer Fairgrounds and SpeleoArt will be contained in its own area called the 'SpeleoArt Village' our local contact for that area this year is Julie Backe,

This will be the second SpeleoArt exhibition in the USA. After last years successful and highly entertaining event, a few of the artists have got together in order to create a permanent annual event of art related subjects in conjunction with the section of Arts & Letters within the NSS. Hopefully this will evolve and grow over the years. In order to do this we will need the cooperation of the mass of incredible talent that is hidden in the depths of the caving fraternity of the United States and other parts of the globe, to bring this out in the many different facets that I have either seen or heard about!

So, to start us off for the preparations for the Idaho 1999. Here is a preview of functions and the theme for this years Exhibition: There is a timetable of events to include an opening party for the artists exhibition. Events will include...

  • Poetry readings
  • Story Telling
  • Demonstrations
  • Computer Graphics  
  • Live Music and films of art events in the caves of Europe
  • Workshops, including trips to local areas of speleological interest
  • The annual Collaborative of artists working together on site. This year, there will be a choice of collaborative medium.  
  • There will be standing work of sculpture, installation, pottery and ceramics, also a wonderful work of applique and embroidery.

NSS98: SpeleoArt makes its U.S. debut

National Speleological Society Convention, August 3-7, 1998, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA.

US Artists

Foreign Artists

Kenneth Storey Frantisek Mihal (Slovakia)
David Hunt Lucja Radwan (Austria)
Marion McConnell Linda Heslop (Canada)
Kenny McGee Carolina Shrewsbury (Great Britain)
Rosemary Ballister Ian Ellis Chandler (G.B.)
Jerry Wallace
Lois Lyles
W. C Wrikeman
Cynthia Vann

Notes by Jerry Wallace; edited by Carolina Shrewsbury.

At past NSS conventions, cavers who expressed their interests in speleology in an artistic fashion were limited to participation in the Graphic Arts Salon as the sole avenue for displaying their creative endeavors to the caving community. Since the purpose of that salon is more to recognize the efforts of a Grotto or other group rather than an individual artist, and necessitated publication as a pre-requisite for entry, there was really no venue available, comparable to the Photo Salon, which could showcase the purely artistic creations of cavers.

At the 1998 Convention that changed with the introduction of SpeleoArt, an exhibition of international artwork inspired by speleology and the world of caves and cavers. Organized by Carolina Shrewsbury, of Great Britain, and under the auspices of the newly formed Spelean Arts and Letters Section, SpeleoArt will feature the work of eighteen artists from across the U.S., Great Britain, Europe, and Canada, with pieces ranging from the abstract to photo-realistic, in a variety of mediums. The exhibition introduced to cavers and the general public a side of speleology that can only be experienced through the eyes of the artist. The show took place for a week in the Art Gallery of the University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee, USA.

With the exhibition as its centerpiece, SpeleoArt also conducted a week long series of workshops and field trips designed to further encourage an interest in this branch of the spelean arts. One workshop culminated in a collaborative effort by all of the participants and was displayed at the end of the Convention. There were excursions to area caves for on-site sketching and painting sessions, the results of which were also on display. All workshops and sessions were open to any registered convention attendee with an interest in speleological art, not just the artists participating in the exhibition.

UIS97: Cave Artists at UIS 97

UIS Congress Logo

Carolina Shrewsbury was the arts coordinator for SubLime, the International Speleological Congress, which was held at La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland, August 10-17, 1997.

Artists were invited to submit work for exhibiting at the Congress. On this Web Site you can see some of their submissions and read some of the background to the exhibition.

Gallery of participating artists & samples of work

Speleo-Art - a personal view (Carolina Shrewsbury)

Background to the Exhibition

Over the years, I have been encouraging a worldwide recognition of Speleo-art. I helped to form a group in England, now known as the International Society of Speleological Art. ISSA organizes exhibitions and holds workshops regularly.

In 1995 I organized an exhibition of speleo-art at the Swiss National Congress. I was then invited to act on behalf of the International Committee, SubLime, to co-ordinate an International Exhibition of living Speleo-artists. This was done in conjunction with Christine Bernasconi, who coordinated an exhibition of the history of art in speleology. As well as an Exhibition of current work, artists from around the world were able to meet each other and to discuss their experiences and techniques.

SpeleoArt Exhibition at the Congress

This was an international exhibition of art influenced by the world of speleology. Artists from around the globe exhibited a wide and varied approach to the artistic view of caves.

During the week, artists and people interested in learning about speleo-art spent time studying past and present impressions of caves through the artistic eye. We visited the exhibits in museums and the school and discussed styles, techniques and approaches. Talks and demonstrations were held in the school in the morning sessions. In the afternoons there were options to join practical sessions on excursions to caves in the area.

One of the projects during the week was "Speleofusion". This was a combined effort from artists, led by Caroline Jacquin-Pentillon and Carolina Shrewsbury, to create a large canvas of our caving inspirations. It relied heavily on the imagination of each contributing artist to create a huge masterpiece by the end of the week. This was an entertaining event, both to watch and to participate in!